University of Nairobi, playing a vital part in increasing professional capacity in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Somalia
The Department of Anaesthesia, University of Nairobi, is playing a vital part in increasing professional capacity in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Somalia. Dr Dalha Daher, who is one of our newly joined M.Med Anaesthesia students, will be one of less than five Physician level Anaesthesiologists in the Republic of Somalia when he finishes. This will be in addition to the two others ahead of him who are in training with us.
Dr Mikko Aalto, representing one of the sponsors of Dr Daher, paid a visit to the Faculty of Health Sciences where he held discussions with members of the Department of Anaesthesia. He explained in detail the dire need for advanced Anaesthesia training in Somalia and expressed his appreciation for the role the University of Nairobi is playing meeting this need. The prolonged conflict in Somalia has lasted for almost 45 years and has had a devastating effect on both health infrastructure and health personnel. Dr Daher reiterated that he is looking forward to completing his postgraduate Anaesthesia training and going back to serve the people of Somalia.
Dr. Thomas Chokwe was appointed by Ministry of Health as an expert for ‘The Kenya Policy on Donation Transfusion & Transplant of Human-Derived Medical Products
Dr. Thomas Chokwe was appointed by Ministry of Health as part of the Technical Working Group for Transplant Services
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New 1st Year MMED Anaesthesia Students